Spring Cleaning (Poem)

In honor of National poetry Month(April), I’ve decided to post this ‘lost’ piece of writing that I came across in my notebook. Please enjoy. Send your comments, if you can.

Spring Cleaning

As the first day of spring came,

I decided to do something that I never done in so long.

I began to clear everything from the bed to the closet.

As I stared going through my clutter,

I began to find out more about my life.

There were old photographs of family and friends that were there in my life, but many have since moved on.

Letters that I wrote to people who were in spite and anger.

List of hopes and dreams that I have accomplished or still need finish.

There were books and recipes.

Menus and broken watches.

They were things that I thought were gone,

but only to be discover.

Then I came to realize that my ‘Spring Cleaning’ was my ‘Spring Awakening’.

I found things about myself that I thought I had hidden for so long.

I found out about the person that I feared the most

Was myself.

As I throw the past away and keep a few things to remember of my past life.

I’ll alway know

With each spring season

you become more maturer

and where you are heading in your life.

Spring cleaning isn’t just about cleaning your space,

It’s about being awakened to the person that you don’t want to face.

It’s about awakening ‘You’.

Stay Tuned!

Writer’s block blues

I’ve got the writer’s block blues. The blues are getting me down in the ground. I’ve promise myself that I would write everyday, but so far I’ve written but a little. But I still hope to get things off my chest by tomorrow morning. I’ve entered the talent show on Friday in March. I didn’t win anything, but people loved my poem. I had a real good time.

April is National Poetry Month. I’m planing to post my poems on my blog. I will be posting poems and songs every month this April until the last. So enjoy.

Stayed Tuned!