Pop Fiction Novelists

Pop Fiction Novelist writers create original and updated stories for publication. Some pop fiction novelist are commissioned by sponsors, write for hire by making an outline and selling it to publishing companies (freelancing), or self-publish their books at book convention or an art market. Many run a computer log (Blog) and sell their novels in an e-book.Employment of pop fiction authors writing a blog is expected to grow by the year 2014. The job is expected to be competitive as many people are attracted to the occupation. Employment is expected to increase in a fast pace as demand grows for e-publications. The growing popularity of blogs allow pop novelist to get their work read and get recognized for their talent. Pop fiction novelist sometimes get paid for their work.
Pop novelist get paid up to $25,113-$55,599 yearly. There is an increasingly need for new pop novelist to develop new stories for readers with special interests. Online publication is becoming a fast demand for the cyber-world. Pop fiction novelists must be able to express their ideas and logics clearly; they must also love to write.

A pop fiction novelist must also do heavy research, do countless interviews, and take lots of notes and do hours of editing before sending their work to print. They must be creative, curious, knowledgeable, self-motivated and be very persevered. Pop novelist must demonstrate good judgment and strong ethics in their writing.

Often times, if a book written by a pop fiction novelist is very popular with the public, the novelist’s book becomes a television show, a movie, a video game, or a Broadway play. Today, comic books (graphic novels) are becoming a huge hit. These books use pictures to tell a story. Few pop novelist take art classes to build up their skills to become both illustrators and writers.

Being a pop novelist was not easy. Many times, gatekeepers at book publishing companies shun out new, unknown authors. Without market testing new books, printing companies over run huge orders of books to bookstores on consignment. As a result, the publishers and the author wasted not only money, but also destroyed hundreds of unsold books. In today’s world, pop Fiction novelist can pay about $100 to publish their first book.

Online bookstores such as Amazon, Borders and Books-a-Million are selling e-novels written by new authors. Some websites like The NovWritMo Club hold novel writing contest for National Novel Writers Month during the month of November.

Pop Fiction novelist choose instead to write their novels by cell phone (cell phone/pocket phone novel) or by e-book that can be downloaded onto an ebook device like Kinder. It takes a pop fiction novelist about six months to many years to produce a story. To be a pop fiction novelist, you have to make sacrifices in order to produce and promote your book.

The good thing about being a novelist is that you are in control of your story; you can let your people in your story be who you want to be. You don’t need a desk and chair at all; you can let this big, wide world be your desk and chair.

There were a lot of writers who did not have a lot of money to publish a book, some were lucky enough to buy a piece of paper and a pen. I love to write. I hope my report is enough to tell you about the career of a pop fiction novelist.









3 thoughts on “Pop Fiction Novelists

  1. Great Blog!!! I have considered myself to be a pop fiction writer for a long time and now I have found others! Keep writing, we don’t need the traditional publishers to get our books out anymore.

    1. ladyserenity92

      Brother, there are many people of the ‘underground’ novelist movement, who are making sure as day to have their books published. I’m glad that you have found my blog! As tehnogly advances, we now have e-readers to get into the spotlight much more faster!


      North Korea is now getting into the movement!

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