‘Real’ history facts!

  • Did you know that the man behind Jet’s voice on ‘Cowboy Bebop’ was voiced by an African-American man? And there are other African-american voice artist that are working in the animation/anime field.
  • Octavia Butler was the first female-gerne bending black novelist that pushed more than just ‘the pen’ for other writers of all colors to think outside of their race.
  •  Leadbelly’s hit songs of redemption wasn’t enough to give him the respect he deserved. Leadbelly died on welfare and was buried in a segregated graveyard. During his lifetime, the first-time felon never saw a single crumb from all the cheddar from his hard work.
  •  That the correct therm ‘mulatto’ was coined by the Spanish conquistadors who brought African slaves with them to the West Indies from Europe?
  • There was a real ‘Princess Sally’ long before Disney’s Princess Tiana. Sarah Hodges was Great Britain’s ‘Princess Sally’ of the 19th Century. Like many princesses, she faced jealousy, racism and betrayal. Sarah was ‘forced’ into exile and died penniless. England mourned for their fallen princess by having a day of morning and a funeral. Black author Walter Dean Meyers wrote a biolette about Sally. In 2009, Disney partly used Sally as the inspiration for Princess Tiana in ‘The Princess and the Frog.’ It’s unclear if the rumor is true.

There’s so much information about Black history that I don’t have enough room to fit in about Bob Sapp, Tina Turner, Billy Preston

Stop it, Keyboard!

Check online, visit the ‘free’ library. There’s so much to discover this month.

The Black Wusha movement.

I’ll stop right there.

Check it out!

Go for broke!